The Speak Good Podcast Using The Power of Communication for Good

The Speak Good Podcast examines challenging subjects through the lens of communication. Listen and subscribe today!

Podcast Archive

  • Ep. 8. Using Stories To Rally Your Audiences to Action

    GUEST: Annette Simmons, Author, The Story Factor, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins

    What is it about stories that make them such potent tools of influence and persuasion? Annette Simmons would tell you that stories are largely about connection. When someone can see themselves in your story, that generates a sense of trust in the storyteller and the story they are telling. As she writes in her bestselling ...

    September 5, 2021

    Annette Simmons
    Ep. 8: 09.05.21
  • Ep. 7. Are Scientists (Partly) To Blame For Distrust In Science?

    GUEST: Dr. Faith Kearns, author, Getting to the Heart of Science Communication: A Guide to Effective Engagement

    Are scientists partly to blame for the public’s distrust in science? Is ineffective messaging leading to misinformation? Our guest, Dr. Faith Kearns, has spent most of her career developing science communication projects for government agencies, scientific associations, and academic institutions. In this episode, we talk about her latest book, Getting to the Heart of ...

    August 22, 2021

    Ep. 7: 08.22.21
  • Ep. 6. MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross: The Cross Connection

    GUEST: Tiffany Cross, Host, MSNBC's "The Cross Connection" and Author, Say It Louder: Black Voters, White Narratives, and Saving Our Democracy

    What happens when you have a diverse newsroom? All stories are told. MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross, who had to fight her way into the newsroom from tough beginnings, joins us to talk about broadening the narrative and creating a more informed and politically aware public. She brings a unique perspective to this discussion having spent her ...

    August 8, 2021

    Tiffany Cross NBC anchor, Cross Connection
    Ep. 6: 08.08.21
  • Ep. 5. The Confess Project: Mental Health & The Barber Chair

    GUEST: Lorenzo Lewis, Founder and CEO of The Confess Project

    For Lorenzo Lewis, a barber chair is more than a place to settle in for a haircut or shave. It’s a place where men and boys of color can feel safe and supported in sharing their pain and worries. Since 2016, Lewis’ Confess Project has confronted the stigma around mental health for men of color, ...

    July 25, 2021

    Lorenzo Lewis
    Ep. 5: 07.25.21
  • Ep. 4. Managing Up

    GUEST: Mary Abbajay, Author, Managing Up: How to Move Up, Win at Work, and Succeed with Any Type of Boss

    It may sound counterintuitive, but do you know how to manage your boss? Conversely, if you are a boss or manager, are you open to making changes in your style so your employees can thrive? Author, consultant, and trainer Mary Abbajay has spent the past 14 years working with businesses, organizations, and institutions to create ...

    July 11, 2021

    Author Mary Abbajay
    Ep. 4: 07.11.21
  • Ep. 3. National Museum of African American History and Culture

    GUEST: Lonnie Bunch, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution

    As the founding director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Lonnie Bunch was responsible for creating a museum that started with no objects, no staff, no building – not even a location for the building. Since opening in September 2016, the museum has welcomed 6 million visitors. In this episode, ...

    June 27, 2021

    Ep. 3: 06.27.21
  • Ep. 2. Strongmen: A Historian on Defeating Propaganda

    GUEST: Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Author, Strongmen: Mussolini To The Present

    Authoritarian leaders, from Benito Mussolini and Muammar Gaddafi to Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, are different in important ways. But they use similar techniques to gain and keep power, such as invoking a sense of nostalgia, assigning blame to a targeted group, demonstrating viritlity, flouting corruption laws, and using propaganda. In this episode, we’ll discuss what ...

    June 20, 2021

    Ep. 2: 06.20.21