Ages of American Capitalism Using The Power of Communication for Good

The Speak Good Podcast examines challenging subjects through the lens of communication. Listen and subscribe today!

Podcast Archive

  • Ep. 25. What Is Capitalism, Anyway (Part 2)?

    GUEST: Jonathan Levy, Author, Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States

    For centuries, America has put its collective faith in democracy and capitalism, social and economic systems that have been tried and tested during numerous cultural, economic, political, and civil shifts. Our guest, Jonathan Levy, has identified four distinct ages that have shaped America’s economy and led us to where we are today. In

    May 1, 2022

    Cover of Ages of Capitalism by Jonathan Levy
    Ep. 25: 05.01.22
  • Ep. 24. What Is Capitalism, Anyway? (Part 1)

    GUEST: Jonathan Levy, Author, Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States

    How did America become the world’s largest economy? By constantly evolving and responding to economic disruptions, says our guest Jonathan Levy. Across four distinct ages, the United States moved from an agrarian past to a capitalistic future, fueled by an economic system in which investors and consumers bank on future profits, while the government directs ...

    April 17, 2022

    Headshot of Professor and Author Jonathan Levy
    Ep. 24: 04.17.22