Best of 2019: Top 5 Posts of the Year

As the year winds to a close, the Throughline team wanted to compile our five favorite blog posts of 2019.

We debated, then disagreed, then argued for our favorites, and then, finally, came to a consensus we all felt good about.

These five posts represent some of our personal favorites, as well as those that resonated most with our readers (as measured by your clicks).

We hope these posts have helped you to find the talents you possessed all along!

Tricky questions reporters ask

No. 1 – 7 Tricky Questions Reporters Ask and How to Answer Them

Reporters are unabashed interrogators in their efforts to get to the heart of the story. As such, they are not shy about asking tough and tricky questions.

In this post, we covered more than a half-dozen queries most likely to trip you up during your media interview. Sure, they take a bit more finesse to answer, but it’s nothing a savvy spokesperson can’t handle.

No. 2 – 50 Ways to Have a Crisis (and How to Take Them On)

oil and gas fire on offshore drilling facilityWhen your proverbial house is on fire, you want to stop the flames. Being embroiled in a crisis can put you in a similar panic. But panicking is the last thing you want to do.

In this post, we offered up 50 ways to experience a crisis – from killer tsunamis to a consumer boycott. Is your company, agency, institution, or organization ready to deal with the fallout?

While no one has the crystal ball that predicts when and how a crisis will unfold, you can identify potential predicaments and practice the steps needed to bring about resolution.

No. 3 – The ‘Dead Chicken’ PR Strategy

Dead chicken strategyThis past year was the year that a rather bruising public relations strategy was given a name. Known as the “Dead Chicken” strategy, it can have the effect of silencing would-be whistleblowers, victims, and other outspoken advocates.

In this post, you’ll learn its origin, the situations in which it has been used, and ways to counter it.

Here’s a hint: It’s often used in the political arena.

No. 4 – Resting Bitch Face: What Are You Trying to Say?

You’d think you’d only have to worry about what you are saying when it comes to communicating. It turns out the expression you wear on your face could be even “louder” than your words.

Known as Resting Bitch Face, it’s an expression used by men and women alike that appears to others to suggest a level of boredom or disdain – even if the person making it has no intention of conveying that thought.

Resting bitch face

It can be problem if you are a participant in a panel, say, and have paused to listen to your fellow presenter. You might also face an issue if your mug is there for all to see on one of those split screens on television and your “resting” face seems to broadcast disinterest.

In this post, we give you some tips to counter this conundrum.

No. 5 – 5 Tips for Fast Talkers To Slow Down

When you speed through a presentation, you run the risk of appearing nervous, failing to enunciate your words, and, ultimately, losing your audience.

In this post, we outline five ways to pace your presentation so the audience has no trouble following along.

Here’s our first tip. Don’t be this guy:

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to improve your communications skills, we’d love to see you at one of our public speaking or media training trainings.

In the meantime, thank you for being a part of the Throughline community. We’ll see you in 2020!