Big News: The Media Training Bible Coming Soon!

Dear Readers:

I am thrilled to share some big news with you.

For the past three years, I’ve been working on my first book. It’s been an enormous amount of work, as I’ve been writing it in addition to running my business and writing a daily blog. But I’m incredibly proud of the final product, and can’t wait until it’s released and you have the opportunity to read it.

The book is called The Media Training Bible: 101 Things You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know Before Your Next Interview. It will be released worldwide as a soft cover and in all major e-formats on January 8, 2013.

The Media Training Bible is organized as 101 two-page lessons, each packed with tips you can use immediately. Readers of the blog may recognize some of the content, but I made a strong effort to make sure that the book included a lot of material that I’ve never published before.

The book is meant for everybody who interacts with the media, including PR and communications professionals; content and policy experts; business or nonprofit executives, directors, and managers; and government spokespersons and political candidates.

I’ll share more information about ordering the book closer to the January 8, 2013 release date. In the meantime, if you’re not already signed up for my email newsletter, please take a moment to sign up so I can contact you upon the book’s release (just enter your email address in the box on the upper right of the blog).

Thanks very much for your support. Please stay tuned!

The Media Training Bible: 101 Things You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know Before Your Next Interview, SpeakGood Press, 2013. 254 pages.
ISBN (Print edition): 978-0-9883220-0-4
ISBN (E-reader edition): 978-0-9883220-1-1